Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

My new Inzektor Deck. More Competitive than the last one!!

Howdy pals. This is my new Inzektor deck. i think this deck's 30% more competitive than the last one. Forget all things that i said. This deck more competitive. and this is great and i had more fun with this deck so enjoyed it.

Monsters (17)
1x Dark Armed Dragon : Highest beater in this deck. Some times dead draw but winning card too
3x Inzektor Centipede : Inzektor searcher. part of  Loop/OTK
3x Inzektor Dragonfly : Inzektor Summoner in this deck. the head in Inzektor Loop/OTK
1x Inzektor Giga-Mantis : Great quick attacker in this deck. equip to an Inzektor, than its atk became 2400
3x Inzektor Hopper : Lv. 4, combo with summoner monk,  substitute for Centipede if you draw Centipede
3x Inzektor Hornet : Main popper and equip in this deck. part of Inzektor Loop/OTK
1x Sangan : searcher and a Lv. 3 can search Dragonfly, Hornet, and/or Summoner monk
2x Summoner Monk : Main summoner in this deck. Great to summon Dragonfly to the field or you can search Hopper Instead

Spells (16)
2x Armor Blast : Helping to destroy equip card who equiped to dragonfly or centipede and great destrution card
1x Dark Hole : Stable
1x Foolish Burial : To dump Hornet
1x Heavy Storm : Stable
3x Inzektor Axe - Zektahawk : Substitute for Swords big booster too
3x Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber : Part of Loop/OTK recycle card.
1x Monster Reborn : Stable
2x Mystical Space Typhoon : Get rid of your opponent back row or helper for dragonfly (destroy cards that equipped to Dragonfly)
2x Pot of Duality : Fix Dead Draw

Traps (7)
2x Inzektor Gauntlet : Protecting 1 Inzektor from spell trap and great DEF boost, can be substitute for Sword
1x Mirror Force : Stable
Solemn Brigade (2 Warning 1 Judgment) : Stable
1x Torrential Tribute : Stable

Side Deck :
2x Maxx "C" : Draw Power
2x Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter : destroyer
1x Book of Moon : Stable
1x Mind Control : for XYZ
1x Mystical Space Typhoon : if you need more
1x Pot of Avarice : Recycle and Draw Power
1x Storm : New card helping Dragonfly (look at MST in the deck for description)
1x Call of the Haunted : Bring back Dragonfly ect.
1x Dark Bribe : to negate stuff
2x Lair Wire : Trap Hole in Insect form the good is this is not a Trigger effect. So you can use it during battle phase
2x XYZ Wrath : Negate high level monster eff like JD, BLS, ect.

Extra Deck :
1x Inzektor Exa-Beetle : Absorbing card and destroyer
1x Lavalval Chain : Greatest Searcher and dumper in the deck
2x Leviair : stable
2x Levaithan Dragon : Beater
2x Giga-Brilliant : Booster
1x Utopia : Beater Stable
1x Utopia Ray : Winning card
1x Photon Papilloperative : Get rid of defending monster that wont get up -_-
1x Photon Strike Bounzer : Negate Monsters effect and great beater too
2x Wind-Up Zenmaister : Beater, have an effect of Book of Moon (well just your cards but not bad)

Thats My new Inzektor OTK deck. Have fun


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