Greetings Yu-Gi-Oh! player. Today i will talk about Inzektor Archtype. This is my main deck right now. it's about 4 months i use this deck. And this deck is doing great. In the first time I played this deck, I only run Hornet, Centipede, Dragonfly, and Giga-Mantis for the Inzektors card. A while i played it, it's doing great and like yes just great. I against Agents, after 14 games, the result is draw. 7 : 7. it just really really LOL playing with Agents Deck. after that, i against Zombie deck. and after 3 games, the result is 3 to big zero. I win 3 times in a row. Don't know why, playing with that Zombie deck just really easy. LOL. than after that, I'm against Chaos Dragons Deck, just 1 game, and I win. than against Morphtronic, another draw, 1 : 1. That's my Inzektor deck Ver. 1.0. After a long time playing with that deck, i have a crazy idea. I make one and only CHAOS INZEKTOR deck. Pretty fun using Chaos Inzektor. and Chaos Inzektor's playing style is by 2 Plans. the first plan is Inzektor Loop. if that failed, I used Plan B ; Chaos. The point of Chaos in this deck is to summon, like BLS, 2 Chaos Sorcerers, and 2 Lightray Sorcerers. Not bad. and Chaos Inzektor is like my Inzektor deck Ver. 2.5. After that, and this is my Inzektor Deck until now, the different of this deck is this deck use another Inzektors card. And that's Inzektor Hopper, Ladybug, and Inzektor Swords and Inzektor Earwig. well, Better than my 1.0, and little bit better than my 2.5 Deck. So my point today is... Update your Deck. and especially when a new ban list comes out.
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